Mailing Address:
Cambridge 25
Boston, MA 02205-1772
Regional Offices:
Westerly RI
Westfield MA
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Garden City LI
Morristown NJ
Spring Time is the Best Time to ...
... See MORE of New England ...
How BEST to SEE More of New England ?
See MORE and SAVE More ... in the Spring
- before the Leaves arrive in Mid-May
- and Prices are LOWER until mid-June.
Spring is 'planting time" on the farms of New England. With few leaves on the trees, April and May are the best time of year to enjoy the expansive vistas and views. Also, Prices are much lower in most of New England.
Spring spreads from the Coast to the Mountains, reaching Vermont and inland New Hampshire a few weeks later. And with the awakening of the trees from a long winter comes the Maple Sugar and Maple Syrup season in March - lasting into April. In May, the Apple Blossoms herald the arrival Summer fast approaching. Remember, days are much longer the further north one travels.
Of course, most of our 400+ Tours of New England are available much of the year - such as touring Boston, New York City, and Philadelphia. Always time for a City Tour in Any season. Please see our ...
... LINKS Below -and - "Click Here" for many ideas. (Try It)
"CLICK Here" NOW - for 400+ Guided Tours of New England
Spring means Flowers and the BIGGEST and BEST Indoor Flower Shows in Boston and Philadelphia and, or course, the New York Botanical Garden Shows - are year-round.
Warmer weather in late Spring when Mother Nature announces Her arrival at the majestic Outdoor Flower Shows - Here is a List of the BEST of the Outdoor Flower Shows - These are all 3-8 Day Tours. ALL are Much More than Tulips ... Hearty American Food, Wineries, Train Tours ...
- See them EACH or Visit them ALL on ONE Spectacular Tour
Lilac Festival - Rochester, NY Exquisite Weekend combined May 10-19, 2019 with Touring the Finger Lakes Wineries
Tulip Festival - Ottawa, Canada Always a Favorite - 1 Million May 10-20, 2019 ... a Cosmopolitan Visit to Canada
Tulip Time Festival - Holland, Michigan Simply Spectacular.
May 4-12,2019 Mackinac Island,Frankenmuth,Dearborn Vil
TT For our TT Industry Friends
= retail
= from
= per person
= per motorcoach
= pp / double occupancy
= choice of
= additional cost
= certain aspects of tour
= available seasonally
= entertainment value
= entertainment quotient
= optional
= complimentary - 1 or 2
Based on 40 Travelers
A Giraffe Made of Flowers ! Boston Flower Show !
Dip Dyed Tulips Can be
Seen at Any of the
Tulip Festivals !
* Did You Know that the Only Way Tulips End Up Dip Dyed is Because of Peach Potato Aphids ? They leave Macrobacteria on Tulips which Causes them to become Dip Dyed, Otherwise they will only Stay One Color.
** Ironically if those Same Aphids go Near an Orchard of Peach Trees, or a Field of Potatoes it will Destroy the Crop.
Philadelphia Flower Show!
Boston Flower Show!
Practically Every Tour We Offer Including Our Special Collection of Spring Shows Makes a Great Second Day to Any of Our Tours !
A Special Note
More ? You would like MORE Tours ? Of Course. We work for You.
This is YOUR Tour - These are YOUR Tours.
o ALL Tours are fully Escorted by Professionals PLUS - Local Guides and Historians.
o ALL Tours can be modified to suit YOUR INTERESTS and BUDGET
o Details - Guaranteed - You will SEE and ENJOY and LEARN = MORE FUN, too.
o Always Your choice - Our Motorcoaches or Yours
Yes, We have many more Tours and Special Events available. Please take your time reading through our Websites - 8 Websites covering the Entire Northeastern USA and Canada PLUS Train Tours - Many MORE Train and Motorcoach Tours around the USA and Canada.
- More than 2,000 Tours and Itineraries -
Your Motorcoach or Our Motorcoach ? 1 - Day & Overnight Tours
NOTE - We offer GROUP Tours ONLY - and ALL prices INCLUDE a Motorcoach PER EACH ITINERARY.
Your Train Ride experience is Part of Your Tour - Not used just for transportation
If you prefer to use Your Favorite Coach Company for the entire tour, please let us know the COACH COMPANY NAME and you can book and pay them directly and we will give you a
CREDIT OF $1,000 per day from your total amount due.
We do All the Work.
You have All the FUN.
Rochester Lilac Festival
We Usually Visit Covered Bridges on Our Fall Vermont and Connecticut Tours. The Colors of Nature & The Colors of the Bridges are Stunning together. Yes, The Covered Bridges are Just as Quaint Throughout the Year !
Try One of Our Appalachian Trail Hikes and You May Get to See These
Rare Appalachian Flowers !
NOTE - Easy, Level Walking on the AT so you can say "I hiked on the Appalachian Trail".